Answer #10

         The four items that you would want to include in your DA letter are these:

           1) You believe that the Watchtower Society's involvement with the UN as a NGO supporter between 1991 and 2001 was an act of apostasy against the Christian Covenant.

           2) That the Governing Body has proven themselves to be the wicked "Man of Lawlessness" by their approval of this unholy alliance. (2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4)

           3) You believe that the Watchtower Society is "Babylon the Great" and you must therefore follow the admonition at Revelation 18:4 to ‘come out of her.’

           4) You believe that because of the unrepentant attitude of the WTS over the past years for their wicked acts, that Jehovah has abandoned this organization and has established a new congregational arrangement of spiritual refuge for all repentant Jehovah's witnesses, before God's wrath comes upon this people.