Crossing Euphrates
Questions & Answers
Questions for article:
"New Jerusalem Sets A Lofty Standard
for God’s Name People"

1.   What does the YORWW Congregation represent today on earth?   ANSWER

2.   Revelation 21:15-21 describes "New Jerusalem" as having what dimensions?    ANSWER

3.  We realize that these dimensions do not describe a literal city, so what do they represent?     ANSWER

4.   What type of people will not gain entry into this city and why not?   ANSWER

5.   What is the meaning of the Greek word "agonizomia" used by Jesus at Luke 13:23, 24 indicating the kind of effort to be exerted by all that would qualify to be admitted into New Jerusalem?   ANSWER

6.   As with other schools, the YORWW Academy has a "code of conduct" that the students must conform to. As a part of our  "code of conduct," why is it not recommended that you as a member of the academy send any of the material that you are studying to someone who is not a member?   ANSWER

7.  Why is it important that each individual follows carefully the instructions given by the staff of the YORWW Academy?            ANSWER

8.   Will the time that you spent at the Kingdom Hall have any effect on your progress in the academy? What are some things that you learned at the Kingdom Hall that will benefit you?            ANSWER

9.   What advice does the staff at the YORWW Academy give in regard to writing your "letter of disassociation" from the Watchtower Society?    ANSWER

10.  What are the four (4) key points that should be included in your "letter of disassociation," along with others that you may choose to include?     ANSWER
11.   There are three primary qualities that must be exhibited by all that expect to gain entry into God’s earthly kingdom. We call these the "three H’s". What are they?    ANSWER
12.   Because the standard for entry into New Jerusalem is so high, what will God’s people have to experience as described at Malachi 3:2-4?     ANSWER
